May 17, 2010 - 1 Chronicles 10 and Morning by Charles Spurgeon for May 17

So Saul died for his breach of faith. He broke faith with the LORD in that he did not keep the command of the LORD, and also consulted a medium, seeking guidance.
He did not seek guidance from the LORD. Therefore the LORD put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David the son of Jesse.
1 Chronicles 10:13-14 (ESV)

How do you explain this? Does God kill people? Are the consequences of turning your back on God this severe? I think it is plain. I don't believe that  it is happens every time someone turns their back however. I think God has a plan and he works it out so that His it succeeds.

Saul was the first king. It would be really important for God to set the standard for the kings of Israel.

The point is that God is God. He is the creator of the whole thing, He is to be followed and exalted. He has the right to ask for it.

It would not do for the first king to get a slap on the wrist for his turning. It would have sent the wrong message to the Jews and consequently to any believer from that day on. Kings determine the spiritual direction of those under their rule; at least by example and decree.

Think of the power and influence kings and presidents have. I believe that God honors godly leaders. I also trust that God will deal with those who try to destroy Christianity and its followers; especially those who verbally denounce the God of the bible. Time will tell.

May 17

Morning Verse

"So to walk even as He walked." 1John 2:6

Why should Christians imitate Christ? They should do it for their own sakes. If they desire to be in a healthy state of soul—if they would escape the sickness of sin, and enjoy the vigour of growing grace, let Jesus be their model. For their own happiness' sake, if they would drink wine on the lees, well refined; if they would enjoy holy and happy communion with Jesus; if they would be lifted up above the cares and troubles of this world, let them walk even as He walked. There is nothing which can so assist you to walk towards heaven with good speed, as wearing the image of Jesus on your heart to rule all its motions. It is when, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you are enabled to walk with Jesus in His very footsteps, that you are most happy, and most known to be the sons of God. Peter afar off is both unsafe and uneasy. Next, for religion's sake, strive to be like Jesus. Ah! poor religion, thou hast been sorely shot at by cruel foes, but thou hast not been wounded one-half so dangerously by thy foes as by thy friends. Who made those wounds in the fair hand of Godliness? The professor who used the dagger of hypocrisy. The man who with pretences, enters the fold, being nought but a wolf in sheep's clothing, worries the flock more than the lion outside. There is no weapon half so deadly as a Judas-kiss. Inconsistent professors injure the gospel more than the sneering critic or the infidel. But, especially for Christ's own sake, imitate His example. Christian, lovest thou thy Saviour? Is His name precious to thee? Is His cause dear to thee? Wouldst thou see the kingdoms of the world become His? Is it thy desire that He should be glorified? Art thou longing that souls should be won to Him? If so, imitate Jesus; be an "epistle of Christ, known and read of all men."

Charles Hadden Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, WORDsearch CROSS e-book, Under: "May 17".


Views from the back seat- I80 from Evanston to Cheyenne:

Drive to Cheyenne 7 Drive to Cheyenne 10 Drive to Cheyenne 34



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