August 10_2010 - 2 Chronicles 6
God's plans...when the people wandered, God wandered with them. He had not yet revealed or in the terms of this chapter, "chosen" a city in which to build a house for His name. Neither had he chosen a prince over His people. Then the people decide they want a king and Saul is the king of the people but not until David is there a king by God's choosing. Jerusalem is the city of God's choosing for the house. Again the wording is the house for the name of the LORD, the God of Israel. Jerusalem, think of the importance of that city.Think about the term, "A house for the Name of the Lord."
Ponder the scene... the son of David on a bronze platform, kneeling before EVERYONE and praying to God and acknowledging His sovereignty. He reminds all of Israel and that if David's sons follow God's ways there will always be a descendent on the throne; interesting how that plays out. Not to worry though because God has a plan as we also see played out. Certain things must transpire in order for the final act to transpire.
In the words of Solomon, “...O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven or on earth, keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to your servants who walk before you with all their heart..." 2 Chronicles 6:14 (ESV)
Oh that I would.
Here are a couple new PowerPoint backgrounds: