Lent Hymn Sunday School Lesson

We took a break from our “Finding Jesus In Genesis” youth Sunday School Lesson last week to study some hymns during Lent. I started late and this week the kids are doing a craft with the younger kids so we will miss our lesson. I mention this only to point out that we will only have a couple of lessons on Lent this year. Anyway, this is the lesson from last week:

Pr. Stephen Starke
     In Eden's holy orchard stood,          
And of its fruit so pure and sweet          
God let the man and women eat.     
Yet in this garden also grew     
Another tree, of which they knew;         
Its lovely limbs with fruit adorned          
Against whose eating God had warned.
2.  The stillness of that sacred grove     
Was broken, as the serpent strove          
With tempting voice Eve to beguile         
And Adam too by sin defile.     
O day of sadness when the breath     
Of fear and darkness, doubt and death,         
Its awful poison first displayed          
Within the world so newly made.
3.  What mercy God showed to our race,     
A plan of rescue by His grace:         
In sending One from woman's seed,          
The One to fill our greatest need--     
For on tree uplifted high     
His only Son for sin would die,          
Would drink the cup of scorn and dread          
To crush the ancient serpent's head!
4.  Now from that tree of Jesus' shame     
Flows life eternal in His name;         
For all who trust and will believe,          
Salvation's living fruit receive.    
And of its fruit so pure and sweet     
The Lord invites the world to eat,          
To find within this cross of wood         
The tree of life with ev'ry good. 

Check out the Tree of Life in the Garden

Genesis 2:9 (ESV)
Genesis 3:22 (ESV)
Genesis 3:24  (ESV)

Now read about the tree of life

Revelation 2:7 and All Of Revelation 22

  1. Why is this hymn comparing the cross to the tree of life?
  2. If Lent is a season of repentance and reflection on the cross how does this hymn help lead us into both?
  3. Point out any specific lines or thoughts from this hymn that make you think about your sinfulness and what the cross means to you.
  4. How do the bible verses we read do the same?
  5. Why would we want to have a season of somber reflection?
  6. How does the season of Lent affect Easter?
  7. How does this affect you?

Make a tree of life in your journal and either symbolize what this means to you or add text to you picture.

We didn’t have time to do the journal part so we will work on it if we have time tomorrow before the craft time with the kids.

Here is my image - I’m not so good at symbolism so its just straightforward of the crosses. I used this on the front of the April Newsletter as well


Drawing 1 

And also a lily and cross for the occasion:

image image


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