January 17, 2011 - Rebuilding...

Ezra 1 - I love how the unbelieving King was stirred by the Holy Spirit to do God's work. But what I love even more is that he was aware that it was God who did the stirring. I wonder if that makes him a believer in the end? I guess I will have to see how it all turns out and how he lived his life? I love movies like the Mummy and make-believe magic. I always think it is interesting when unbelievers write scenes which mimic the way God does things, they are always with witch-craft or magic of some kind. Scenes like when the mummies are "stirred" to fight for the king or how the elements are used to the king's or witch's advantage are a couple that come to mind. God gave us an imagination and it makes me wonder.

I need to rebuild my temple, my first prayer is that my heart (which at this point is my enemy in this area) will be stirred into action. Secondly, that the action comes with wisdom as far as the proper steps and timing.

May the Lord stir your heart to rebuild whatever is needed in your life.


Mini Mermaid Coloring Book – about 4 x 4 They have 4 printed mermaids and an insert of blank pages bound by beads. The whole thing slips into a folded pocket made of some kind of wonderful paper either white cotton or Lami Lima. This was a really fun project. I am planning three more at this time…fish, birds and owls. I cant wait to finish. I hope to sell them too.


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