January 19, 2011 - According to Their Ability

That is the phrase that stuck out to me. We tend to be so legalistic about giving and attending things that I found this refreshing. Here is the verse:

According to their ability they gave to the treasury of the work… Ezra 2:69 (ESV)

If God could stir their hearts to move, He certainly could stir their hearts to honestly give as they were able. He completes what He wishes, despite us. He uses the remnant and the unbeliever and the enemy to accomplish His will. Why do we worry and why do we put pressure on ourselves and others?

If God requires extraordinary feats of sacrifice or strength, He will stir the heart an provide the means for us to do it. Until then, I think we should do things as we are able. Maybe if the pressure were off, we would have the desire to do that and not neglect our responsibilities? I don’t think that is asking too much from dust, is it?

Some lovely clouds after a storm at work:

After The Storm (2)After The Storm (4)After The StormAfter The Storm (10)After The Storm (15)

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