Genesis 1- This is a Long One Plus, Cinquain 1

Okay today is long winded but I want to explain my idea. I am doing the Gospel story in a series of Cinquain - which is a five line poem with special rules (I will explain them next time). Then after I share the poem, I will have a part of the Gospel plan that goes with it.


Eternal, Almighty

Beginning, Making, Ending

It is His Plan, His power, His design


In the beginning God created...why is this important? Does it change anything at all?

GOD CREATED – Not man or a process, GOD CREATED.

The first thing God did was to create light and then he separated that light from the dark. They were two separate things and he assigned them times to appear.

The next thing He did was to divide the water that must have been all around. So then the sky was created at that point.

Next, He gathered all the water that was below the sky and made dry land and the earth was made on the third day. He created the plants on that day too.

On the fourth day he created the stars and planets and suns and moons. What made light before there was a sun? I guess it was just light.

Next we get the creatures of the air and water on the fifth day.

The sixth day is when he created the dry land creatures, bugs and reptiles and mammals. And then of course man was last and that meant woman too it seems.

Man was to care for the earth and everything ate only plants, there was no death at this point.

Why is any of this important? For me, it goes back to #1, God created and #2, there was no death yet.

The one creates something has the right to say what should happen to it. He or she has the right to set the rules and the right to manage it however he sees fit.

If there is a Creator, then we don't make the rules we are part of that creation. Some people look at that as a hindrance, a lack of choice. We do have a choice and it is this, we can choose to live in peace with the creator or in disharmony. Period, there is no other choice. If we choose peace, we live with Him forever. If we choose the latter, we live without Him forever. Why does that matter? Because goodness,light and loveliness lies with Him and everywhere else is where darkness, destruction, meanness and hopelessness reside.

If you see any good now, it is a result of God's presence. When He is gone there will be only ugly left. And if that makes you angry remember, He has the right to make it that way.

Here are some verses to check out about creation:

Job 38:4
Ps 33:6
Ps 136:5
Isa 42:5
Isa 45:18
Jn 1:1
Ac 14:15
Ac 17:24
Col 1:16
Heb 1:10
Heb 11:3
Rev 4:11
Jer 4:23
2Co 4:6
Job 37:18
Ps 136:5
Jer 10:12
Jer 51:15
Ge 1:18

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