Wow! My new schedule has really messed me up. Acts 18 & 19
I love working mornings instead of nights but I haven’t figured out how to fit in all the things I did before. Bible Study, walking, watering, feeding everyone (birds, dogs, me) making lunches and so on. Being a morning person, my energy level when I get home at 2 or 3 is at the lowest. I hope I will get it all figured out…
Wow! What was up with Apollos? It brought tears to my eyes to think about how he knew enough to witness boldly but didn't have the whole story. He apparently was humble and listened to Aquila and Priscilla and wanted to to even do more. I love it when someone is truly saved, don't you?
God did extraordinary things through Paul. Magicians burned their books and renounced their ways.
Think about how much time Paul spent in Asia. Think about how little Christianity is in Turkey, which is where he was when Asia is mentioned. I kind of expect it to be unpopular or even unheard of in countries far from where it all began, like South America or remote islands. But Turkey and the middle east???
I have a new phone, the Droid Charge it has an 8 mp camera with macro and zoom. I just love it!