Jesus of Genesis
I cant believe how long it has been since I have posted. Life has taken over. I used this blog as my documentation for bible study so that should tell you how I have lacked in that discipline, shameful as it is…
I am taking the kids at church through some of the Old Testament on a trip to find Christ in those writings. Right now we are on the Flood.
These are the questions we ask ourselves every week:
1. What is God doing here?
2. What does this tell us about God?
3. What does this have to do about God’s plan of salvation?
4. How does this affect God’s plan of salvation?
5. What is the reaction by people to God’s promises and grace?
6. How does this connect us to Christ?
7. Insights and Notes
Some thoughts on the flood:
Moses probably wrote Genesis:
Jesus talks about Moses' writings as if they were historically real.
For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me.
But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?” John 5:46-47 (ESV)
The Flood
Genesis 6:9 - Noah was righteous
Job 31:11-13 - the weather is commanded by God
Mentions of fountains of the deep and windows to heaven
Genesis 8:2, Proverbs 8:28, Amos 9:6, Isaiah 24:18, Psalm 78:23
Water covered the land about 22.5 feet.
2 Peter 3:6 - mentions the flood as a historical event
This is a clip from an amazing book about searching for Christ in the Old Testament:
IV. What profit is gained from seeking Jesus diligently in Holy Scripture? First, it confirms us in our faith and makes us certain and confident so that we are anchored, secured, shielded, bastioned, and preserved against all heresies. Not many years ago, a fine, learned man died in whom the arrows of the Samosatenes had sliced so many venomous wounds that he often used to become despondent regarding the article of the true divinity of Jesus Christ. When he heard these mysteries being discussed, he said, “Oh, my God! How sweet and powerful it is, how greatly it strengthens my faith! There has to be something about Christ that is greater than any other common man. Since the beginning of the world God has made such a powerful display of His Son, there must be something great invested in Him. He must be superior to any common man.” Second, it is thus that we achieve the most certain knowledge, the highest wisdom of all. For “in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom,” as St. Paul says (Col. 2[:2–3]). “Christ…was made to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1 Cor. 1:30). If Christ be known aright, there is naught else to know; If Christ be not in sight, all else is empty show.51 Third, this is how we come to everlasting life, as Jesus Himself testifies here in John 5:26. For our light and life are in Jesus (John 1:4), and whoever believes in Him has eternal life (3:16). Accordingly, since Jesus, the Fountain of life, is revealed to us in the Bible—for which reason it is called the “Book of Life” (Sir. 24:23)—it is clear and obvious that whoever reads the Bible earnestly, meditates on it devoutly, searches it for the Lord Jesus, takes comfort in His benefits, and lays claim to Him with a living faith has eternal life. “Blessed are all who trust in Him!” (Ps. 2:12). O most beloved Lord Jesus, You are the Heart and Center of the Bible. My heart will seek You in the Scriptures. Let me find You to my comfort there, that through You I may be bold and consoled in my faith, wise in my mind, holy in my life, and blessed in my death. Amen!
HERBERGER, VALERIUS (2011-08-01). THE GREAT WORKS OF GOD: Parts One and Two: Th e Mysteries of Christ in the Book of Genesis, Chapters 1–15 (p. 26). Concordia Publishing House. Kindle Edition.
Owls – My autumn theme:
I’ll have these for sale on Etsy in a while as a coloring book.